Return and Refund Policy

Before Buy The Product Please See The Product Carefully on our website. read the detailed trams and conditions. read the detail of the product. carefully see the color and design. color maybe a light variable for electronics display media 

If you do not like our product, you can return the product and get a refund. But We are unable to collect our parcel from your location. so if you want to return our product requires self shipment from your side 

1. After receiving the parcel from the courier, see the product first. If you don't like it, call us or WhatsApp us at this number 98369 64272 immediately and drop a mail 

2. Return the product within two days via Indian Speed ​​Post or any other dynamic courier. and send us your courier payment slip to our WhatsApp

3. Remember, pack the product exactly as we sent it to you so that it is not wasted on return.

4. Our staff will monitor the product after receiving it from the courier. If the product is OK, all your money including the courier cost will be transferred to your bank account.